Reader RP Proxy Module: Getting Started

Installing the Fosstrak Reader RP Proxy

The following instructions show how to install the Fosstrak Reader RP Proxy:

  • Download the reader-rp-proxy binaries from the download section of the website.
  • Add the jar to your classpath.
  • Make sure all the dependencies are added to your classpath as well. Alternatively, you can also use the zip with all the dependencies included.
  • Make sure you are using a Java Runtime environment 1.5 or higher.
  • Use the proxy as outlined in the two examples below.

First Steps

Configure the reader yourself with a series of Java method calls

Implement the following example (

This example requires that there is a reader running that supports the HTTP/XML transport message binding of the Reader Protocol available at localhost:8000. If these settings are incorrect for your setup, you will need to adjust the following variables:


You might also want to consider using our existing Java implementation of a reader which includes a simulation engine.

import org.fosstrak.reader.rprm.core.EventType;
import org.fosstrak.reader.rprm.core.FieldName;
import org.fosstrak.reader.rp.proxy.DataSelector;
import org.fosstrak.reader.rp.proxy.NotificationChannel;
import org.fosstrak.reader.rp.proxy.ReaderDevice;
import org.fosstrak.reader.rp.proxy.Source;
import org.fosstrak.reader.rp.proxy.Trigger;
import org.fosstrak.reader.rp.proxy.factories.DataSelectorFactory;
import org.fosstrak.reader.rp.proxy.factories.NotificationChannelFactory;
import org.fosstrak.reader.rp.proxy.factories.ReaderDeviceFactory;
import org.fosstrak.reader.rp.proxy.factories.TriggerFactory;
import org.fosstrak.reader.rp.proxy.msg.Handshake;

public class ReaderProxyExample {

   private static int MESSAGE_FORMAT = Handshake.FORMAT_XML;
   private static int TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL = Handshake.HTTP;

   private static final String COMMAND_CHANNEL_HOST = "localhost";
   private static final int COMMAND_CHANNEL_PORT = 8000;

   private static final String READ_TRIGGER_NAME = "ReadTrigger";
   private static final String READ_TRIGGER_TYPE = Trigger.TIMER;
   private static final String READ_TRIGGER_VALUE = "ms=2000";

   private static final String NOTIFICATION_TRIGGER_NAME = "NotificationTrigger";
   private static final String NOTIFICATION_TRIGGER_TYPE = Trigger.CONTINUOUS;
   private static final String NOTIFICATION_TRIGGER_VALUE = "";

   private static final String DATA_SELECTOR_NAME = "DataSelector";
   private static final String[] EVENT_FILTERS = new String[] {EventType.EV_OBSERVED,
   private static final String[] FIELD_NAMES = new String[] {FieldName.EVENT_TYPE,
         FieldName.READER_NAME, FieldName.TAG_ID, FieldName.TAG_ID_AS_PURE_URI,
         FieldName.TAG_ID_AS_TAG_URI, FieldName.SOURCE_NAME};

   private static final String NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_NAME = "NotificationChannel";
   private static final String NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_HOST = "localhost";
   private static final int NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_PORT = 9000;
   private static final String NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_MODE = "connect";
   private static final String NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ADDRESS = "tcp://"

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      // create handshake
      Handshake handshake = new Handshake();

      // get reader device proxy
      System.out.println("Get reader device proxy.");
      ReaderDevice readerDevice = ReaderDeviceFactory.getReaderDevice(COMMAND_CHANNEL_HOST,
            COMMAND_CHANNEL_PORT, handshake);

      // get current source proxy
      System.out.println("Get current source.");
      Source source = readerDevice.getCurrentSource();
      System.out.println("Name of current source is: " + source.getName());

      // create read trigger
      System.out.println("Create read trigger.");
      Trigger readTrigger = TriggerFactory.createTrigger(READ_TRIGGER_NAME,
            READ_TRIGGER_TYPE, READ_TRIGGER_VALUE, readerDevice);

      // create notification trigger
      System.out.println("Create notification trigger.");
      Trigger notificationTrigger = TriggerFactory.createTrigger(NOTIFICATION_TRIGGER_NAME,

      // data selector
      System.out.println("Create data selector.");
      DataSelector dataSelector = DataSelectorFactory.createDataSelector(DATA_SELECTOR_NAME,
      System.out.println("Add event filters to data selector.");
      System.out.println("Add field names to data selector.");
      //System.out.println("Add tag fields to data selector.");

      // create notification channel
      System.out.println("Create notification channel.");
      NotificationChannel notificationChannel = NotificationChannelFactory.createNotificationChannel(
      System.out.println("Set data selector of notification channel.");
      System.out.println("Add notification trigger to notification channel.");
      notificationChannel.addNotificationTriggers(new Trigger[] {notificationTrigger});

      // add current source to notification channel
      System.out.println("Add source to notification channel.");
      notificationChannel.addSources(new Source[] {source});

      // add read trigger to source
      System.out.println("Add read trigger to source.");
      source.addReadTriggers(new Trigger[] {readTrigger});

In order to process the notification messages from the reader, the proxy provides the class org.fosstrak.reader.rp.proxy.NotificationChannelEndPoint. The class that is interested in receiving the notification messages has to implement the interface org.fosstrak.reader.rp.proxy.NotificationChannelListener and has to be registered with the NotificationChannelEndPoint as shown below and in the example (

import org.fosstrak.reader.rp.proxy.NotificationChannelListener;
import org.fosstrak.reader.rprm.core.msg.notification.Notification;

public class ReaderNotificationChannelListener implements NotificationChannelListener {

   public void dataReceived(Notification notification) {
      System.out.println("Notification received: " + notification);

      // add your code to process notification message here


Code to create a NotificationChannelListener and to add a listener to it:

   NotificationChannelListener notificationChannelListener = new ReaderNotificationChannelListener();

   // create notification channel endpoint to receive messages
   System.out.println("Create NotificationChannelEndpoint at port '" + NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_PORT + "'.");
   NotificationChannelEndPoint notificationChannelEndPoint = new

   // add listerner to notification channel endpoint

Configure the reader with our configuration engine and the corresponding properties file

Implement the following example

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;
import org.fosstrak.reader.proxy.configurator.ReaderConfigurator;

public class ReaderConfiguratorExample {

   private static final String CONFIG_FILE_PATH = "./props/ReaderDeviceConfiguration.xml";

   private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ReaderConfiguratorExample.class);

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

      BasicConfigurator.configure();"Configurate reader device.");



The corresponding properties ( ReaderDeviceConfiguration.xml) file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configurationDocument xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="ReaderDeviceConfiguration.xsd">

      <!-- reader configuration -->

      <!-- read triggers -->
         <timerTrigger name="ReadTrigger">

      <!-- notification triggers -->
         <continuousTrigger name="NotificationTrigger"/>

      <!-- data selectors -->
         <dataSelector name="DataSelector">

      <!-- notification channels -->
         <notificationChannel name="NotificationChannel">
            <!-- dataSelector>DataSelector</dataSelector -->

      <!-- sources -->
         <source name="Shelf1">
