Changes epcis-queryclient

Release History

0.52010-12-28Bug fix and feature release
0.4.22009-02-03Feature release
0.4.02008-07-29Project name changed to Fosstrak
0.3.22008-06-04Bug fix release
0.3.12008-03-24Bug fix release
0.3.02008-03-20Feature release
0.2.22007-08-31Bug fix release
0.2.12007-08-10Bug fix release
0.2.02007-04-27Initial release

Release 0.5 - 2010-12-28

updateUpdated CXF dependencies to 2.2.9steybem
updateCode refactoring and cleanup.steybem

Release 0.4.2 - 2009-02-03

addAdded support for connecting to EPCIS repositories that require client authentication (HTTP Basic and HTTPS with client certificates).wellington
fixFixed some issues with huge pop-up windows showing stack traces.steybem
fixRemoved MATCH_childEPC from list of operators that can be selected by users. (MATCH_childEPC was defined in a draft version of the EPCIS specification but does not exist in the final release.)roduner
fixUpdated example queries. They are now compliant with EPCglobal's Core Business Vocabulary.roduner

Release 0.4.0 - 2008-07-29

updateRenamed packages from org.accada to org.fosstrak.roduner

Release 0.3.2 - 2008-06-04

fixFixed interoperability issues of query client GUI with other vendors' EPCIS repository. (The GUI used a wrong query name when requesting subscription IDs from repositories.) - Thanks to Stefan Schweizer for pointing this out.roduner

Release 0.3.1 - 2008-03-24

updateDisabled chunked HTTP transfers in order to make the query client work with repositories operating behind an Apache proxy server. (Apache's mod_proxy_http module does not support chunked requests.)steybem

Release 0.3.0 - 2008-03-20

addReplaced the Web service framework Apache Axis 1 with Apache CXF.steybem
addIntroduced a JAXB data binding to map Web service requests and responses to Java beans.steybem
addAdded some utility classes for quickly sending query requests to an EPCIS repository.steybem
updateConfigured QueryClientGui to reuse functionality provided by QueryControlClient.steybem

Release 0.2.2 - 2007-08-31

fixCorrected parsing of time values from repository response. Fixes 1845531.steybem
updateDisplay time values in ISO8601 format.steybem
addDisplay error message when no event type is selected in GUI.steybem

Release 0.2.1 - 2007-08-10

fixaxis-wsdl4j was not properly included in Webstart application.rodunerc

Release 0.2.0 - 2007-04-27

addInitial code release.