Changes Report

Release History

1.0.22009-08-14Bugfix release
1.0.12009-07-24Feature and Bugfix release
1.0.02009-06-09Feature and bugfix release
0.4.12008-07-29Feature and bugfix release
0.4.02008-07-29Project name changed to Fosstrak
0.3.02008-03-??Feature release: ALE 1.1
0.2.02007-04-27Initial release

Release 1.0.2 - 2009-08-14

fixWhen connecting the ALE to a LLRP reader, it should be possible to create one logical reader per one antenna. Eg there are four antennas on the pysical LLRP reader, therefore we should be allowed to create a logical reader per each antenna. Fixes 2829908.sawielan
updateSwitch to newest llrp-adaptor version (1.1.0).sawielan

Release 1.0.1 - 2009-07-24

fixtag format in ECReports is wrong for rawHex and rawDecimal. Fix implements decimal as epc-decimal and hex as epc-hex. Fixes 2822988.sawielan
fixWhen sending notifications to URI with resource path, the 'remainder-of-URL' is merged with 'HTTP/1.1'. Fixes 2822918.sawielan
fixtdt within hal adapter crashes when hex-tag with 64bit length is submitted: fixed by using tdt conversion algorithms to convert between binary and hex. further introduced stronger exception handling. Fixes 2816225.sawielan
addimplemented "stat profiles" according to ALE 1.1 Standard 8.3.6.sawielan
fixeventcycle crashes with null-pointer exception, when tag-information is not set: catch the exception and set the requested report-field according to ale 1.1 spec to null. Fixes 2816251.sawielan

Release 1.0.0 - 2009-06-09

addupdate TDT to version 0.9sawielan
addadd llrp support through LLRPAdaptor. together with fosstrak LLRP Commander LLRP enabled reader can be configured and maintained.sawielan
fixin eventcycle when repeatPeriod and durationValue were the same value, the eventcycle missed tags. Fixes 2481005.sawielan
updateupdate from apache-cxf-2.0.4-incubator to the stable apache-cxf-2.0.9.sawielan
fixfixed issue with war packaging and wrong xerces version (1.2.3 instead of 2.8.0).sawielan

Release 0.4.1 - 2008-07-29

fixfixed sf bug 2054573 Fixes 2054573.sawielan

Release 0.4.0 - 2008-07-29

updateRenamed packages from org.accada to org.fosstrak.roduner

Release 0.3.0 - 2008-03-??

addfc-server now supports the full logical reader api.sawielan
updateadapted fc-webclient to the new fc-commons.sawielan
addmodified documentation according to the schema in epcis.sawielan
fixfixed sf bug 1892541. a HALAdaptor now supports several logical readers onto one physical hal device. Fixes 1892541.sawielan
addAdded a TestAdaptor to the project.sawielan
fixfixed tag filtering (now additions and deletions work properly for hal and reader protocoll). A nullpointer exception could be caused in as input was not properly checked. does no more write tags to the gets the tags from the when computing the report. Fixes 1876633.sawielan
fixEventCycle crashes by nullpointer exception after one run. Fixes 1873580.sawielan
updateAdapted the new config-file loader from the HAL.sawielan
addRPAdaptor now uses an identifyThread to poll the available tags on the reader in a regular interval. the poll will return all tags, this means filtering needs to be done inside the logical reader API (eg
updateremoved physicalSourceStub. removed physicalReaderStub. The stubs are no more needed. The InputGenerator contacts the rp-proxy directly.sawielan
updateAdapted to changed HAL interface.sawielan
updateAdapted to new EventCycle.sawielan
addAdaptor for a reader protocol device. with this adaptor you can use a rp-device inside the LogicalReader API as a LogicalReader.sawielan
addadded jaxb accessors to xml.sawielan
addAdaptor for a HAL device. with this adaptor you can use a hal-device inside the LogicalReader API as a LogicalReader.sawielan
addNew Logical Reader API is used to support CompositeReaders according the EPC Standard, LogicalReaderAPI chapter (10.3 ff).sawielan

Release 0.2.0 - 2007-04-27

addInitial code release.