Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

TagTotal number of occurrences

Each tag is detailed below:


Number of occurrences found in the code: 60

Auto-generated catch block199
Auto-generated catch block206
Auto-generated catch block222
Auto-generated catch block57
catch the concrete exception and not Exception1147
catch the concrete exception and not Exception1255
anders strukturieren: erst checken welcher service vorhanden dann fuer alle HALs die Abfragen machen1353
Remove this parameter.1466
catch the concrete exception and not Exception2186
catch the concrete exception and not Exception2200
Remove the comment operators and the code of this case statement after the region commented out (except the break statement). readPoints = readerDevice.getAllReadPoints(); for (int i = 0; i < readPoints.length; i++) { if (readPoints[i] instanceof AntennaReadPoint) { value += ((AntennaReadPoint) readPoints[i]) .getWriteCount(); } }190
Remove the comment operators and the code of this case statement after the region commented out (except the break statement). readPoints = readerDevice.getAllReadPoints(); for (int i = 0; i < readPoints.length; i++) { if (readPoints[i] instanceof AntennaReadPoint) { value += ((AntennaReadPoint) readPoints[i]) .getKillCount(); } }215
Remove the comment operators and the code of this case statement after the region commented out (except the break statement). readPoints = readerDevice.getAllReadPoints(); for (int i = 0; i < readPoints.length; i++) { if (readPoints[i] instanceof AntennaReadPoint) { value += ((AntennaReadPoint) readPoints[i]) .getMemReadCount(); } }309
Remove the comment operators and the code of this case statement after the region commented out (except the break statement). readPoints = readerDevice.getAllReadPoints(); for (int i = 0; i < readPoints.length; i++) { if (readPoints[i] instanceof AntennaReadPoint) { value += ((AntennaReadPoint) readPoints[i]) .getWriteCount(); } }101
Remove the comment operators and the code of this case statement after the region commented out (except the break statement). readPoints = readerDevice.getAllReadPoints(); for (int i = 0; i < readPoints.length; i++) { if (readPoints[i] instanceof AntennaReadPoint) { value += ((AntennaReadPoint) readPoints[i]) .getKillCount(); } }126
Remove the comment operators and the code of this case statement after the region commented out (except the break statement). readPoints = readerDevice.getAllReadPoints(); for (int i = 0; i < readPoints.length; i++) { if (readPoints[i] instanceof AntennaReadPoint) { value += ((AntennaReadPoint) readPoints[i]) .getMemReadCount(); } }220
find out the address type111
create the server, if all required values are given93
do something153
do something156
remove the server67
activate this59
implement row.setValue(EpcglobalReaderMib.idxEpcgReaderServerAddressType, ...); assertEquals(..., ...);51
implement this399
implement this402
implement this405
implement this408
implement this411
implement this414
implement all cases205
implement all cases294
Exception werfen, wenn kein Kommando ausgeführt??301
Typ in Schema ändern auf HexStringReturn Type */305
cast von long auf int evtl. problematisch419
passwords currently not implemented in the HAL - set passwords to null1395
Fehler in XSD1532
Fehler in XSD1537
existierende Verbindung schliessen1900
Was ist genauer Semantik von reset?? Connections auch zumachen? */291
IDs der notifications werden einfach raufgezählt. Korrekt so??153
Veschieben in eigenen JUnit Test470
füllen der tags welche zu dieser source gehören505
Hanshake noch validieren225
notification parsing } return null; } catch (TokenStreamException e) { throw new MessageParsingException(MessagingConstants.ERROR_UNKNOWN, MessagingConstants.ERROR_UNKNOWN_STR, "[TEXT_PARSING_EXCEPTION] " + e.getMessage()); } catch (ParameterMissingException e) { throw new MessageParsingException( MessagingConstants.ERROR_PARAMETER_MISSING, MessagingConstants.ERROR_PARAMETER_MISSING_STR, e .getMessage()); } catch (ParameterWrongTypeException e) { throw new MessageParsingException( MessagingConstants.ERROR_PARAMETER_INVALID_DATATYPE, MessagingConstants.ERROR_PARAMETER_INVALID_DATATYPE_STR, e .getMessage()); } catch (CommandNotSupportedException e) { throw new MessageParsingException( MessagingConstants.ERROR_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED, MessagingConstants.ERROR_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED_STR, e .getMessage()); } catch (TextCommandParserException e) { throw new MessageParsingException(MessagingConstants.ERROR_UNKNOWN, MessagingConstants.ERROR_UNKNOWN_STR, e.getMessage()); } catch (RecognitionException e) { throw new MessageParsingException(MessagingConstants.ERROR_UNKNOWN, MessagingConstants.ERROR_UNKNOWN_STR, "[TEXT_PARSING_EXCEPTION] " + e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MessageParsingException(MessagingConstants.ERROR_UNKNOWN, MessagingConstants.ERROR_UNKNOWN_STR, "[TEXT_PARSING_EXCEPTION] " + e.getMessage()); } }182
Gibts ReaderInfo in n.getReader() im Text-Format nicht?164
Should we really report the event triggers??? if (tagEvent.getEventTriggers() != null && tagEvent.getEventTriggers().getTrigger() != null) { //add all the trigger names EventTriggersType eventTrigger = tagEvent.getEventTriggers(); Iterator eventTriggerIt = eventTrigger.getTrigger().iterator(); while(eventTriggerIt.hasNext()) { String triggerName = (String)eventTriggerIt.next(); reportAttributes.add(triggerName); } }424
How to serialize the tagfield name-value-pairs??447
Should we really report the event triggers??? if (tagEvent.getEventTriggers() != null && tagEvent.getEventTriggers().getTrigger() != null) { //add all the trigger names org.fosstrak.reader.msg.notification.EventTriggersType eventTrigger = tagEvent.getEventTriggers(); Iterator eventTriggerIt = eventTrigger.getTrigger().iterator(); while(eventTriggerIt.hasNext()) { String triggerName = (String)eventTriggerIt.next(); reportAttributes.add(triggerName); } }535
How to serialize the tagfield name-value-pairs??558
Evtl. recognition exception werfen1883
Evtl. recognition exception werfen1901
Evtl. recognition exception werfen1923
Evtl. RecognitionException werfen2022
Korrekte Zeit setzen465
Was für ein Handshake soll gesendet werden? Sender oder Receiver Handshake??136
auslagern in JUnit test case22
Auto-generated method stub56