
The current version of Fosstrak EPCIS is 0.5.0.

Latest Releases

ModuleDownload (zip)Notes
Fosstrak EPCIS Repository 0.5.0epcis-repository-0.5.0-bin-with-dependencies.zipChanges
Fosstrak EPCIS Capture Client 0.5.0epcis-captureclient-0.5.0-bin-with-dependencies.zipChanges
Fosstrak EPCIS Query Client 0.5.0epcis-queryclient-0.5.0-bin-with-dependencies.zipChanges
Fosstrak EPCIS Webadapter

The source code for this binaries can be found in the Git repository at and

Previous releases of Fosstrak EPCIS can be found in the distribution repository.

System Requirements

JDK1.6.0_05 or higher
MemoryNo minimum requirements.
Operating SystemNo minimum requirements. Tested on Windows XP.

Installation and Usage Instructions

Please consult the User Guide for installation and usage instructions.