Developer Guide

About this Guide

This developer guide is intended for people who wish to work on Fosstrak's EPCIS repository implementation and contribute to the project. It outlines the steps to follow for setting up the development environment and helps developers to find their way through the code.

If you just want to set up your own EPCIS repository for use in your own project, you should follow the User Guide. Generally, it is advisable if you first read the User Guide before continuing with the developer guide.

If you cannot find your answer here, feel free to ask the Fosstrak mailing list.

Getting Started

This section of the developer guide describes the first steps for getting started with the project. It includes a description on how to set up the development environment, how to obtain the sources, and how to build and deploy the application.

Setting up the Development Environment

Make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  1. JDK version 5.0 or higher. Also check that the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to your Java bin directory.
  2. Apache Tomcat servlet container version 5.5 or higher. It will be used to deploy and run the EPCIS repository web application. Also check that the CATALINA_HOME environment variable points to your Tomcat installation directory.
  3. MySQL server version 5.0 or higher. It will be used by the EPCIS repository to store event data.
  4. Maven 2. It will be used for building and configuring the project and for deploying the application. Also check that the M2_HOME environment variable points to your Maven installation directory and make sure that you are familiar with the Maven build tool.

Getting the Source Code

First thing you need to do is checking out the sourcecode from the Git repository (see Download section). In the following we will use the EPCIS_HOME variable to refer to the location where you checked out the sources.

Setting up Eclipse

We recommend using the Eclipse IDE to work on the Fosstrak projects. Please follow these steps to set up the projects in Eclipse:

  1. Add the classpath variable M2_REPO to Eclipse:
    mvn eclipse:configure-workspace -Declipse.workspace=<path-to-your-eclipse-workspace>
  2. In order to generate the .project and .classpath files used by Eclipse, run the following command from the EPCIS_HOME directory:
    mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources

    If you do not want to download all the sources, ignore the -DdownloadSources switch.

  3. From inside Eclipse, import all the sub-modules: go to File > Import > Existing Projects into Workspace and select all four projects available there.
  4. In Eclipse, import the code formatter stylesheet: go to Window > Preferences..., navigate to the branch Java > Code Style > Formatter, and import the file from EPCIS_HOME/src/config/epcis_codeformatter.xml. Now either set the EPCIS code style profile active for your entire workspace, or go to the preferences of each individual EPCIS project (Project > Properties) and set the active code style profile to EPCIS. Prior to committing code to SVN hit CTRL+SHIRT+F to format the code according to the Fosstrak EPCIS code style.

Building and Deploying the Project

The first time you work on the project you need to get all the dependencies and install them into your local Maven repository. The following command will do all that for you:

mvn install

Building the project is straight forward:

mvn compile

In order to deploy and undeploy the application to and from Tomcat, we use the tomcat-maven-plugin. This plugin communicates with the Tomcat Manager and thus needs to know the username and password to access the Manager application. Add the following block to your M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml file and specify the correct username and password:


Now, you can use the following commands to deploy, undeploy, or redeploy the application. Make sure you run these commands from the EPCIS_HOME/epcis-repository directory because the maven-tomcat-plugin is only available to the epcis-repository sub-module.

mvn tomcat:deploy
mvn tomcat:undeploy
mvn tomcat:redeploy

Note: if you use Tomcat 7, then you need to adjust the URL to the manager application in the tomcat-maven-plugin configuration to match the required path for Tomcat 7. Just un-comment the <url> element in the corresponding plugin section in EPCIS_HOME/epcis-repository/pom.xml.

You can also manually deploy the application by placing the WAR file directly into Tomcat's webapps directory. Run the following command and grab the WAR file from EPCIS_HOME/epcis-repository/target

mvn package

Now you are ready to go and start working on the project.

Project Layout

This section helps developers to find their way through the code.

Project Modules

Fosstrak's EPCIS project is a multimodule project. Currently, it includes five modules which inherit from the base epcis-module:

  • epcis-commons

    This module contains the common functionality (such as parsers) as well as the JAXB data binding of the EPCIS schema (which is used by the epcis-repository, the epcis-queryclient, and the epcis-captureclient modules).

  • epcis-captureclient

    This module consists of a capture client GUI and a simple capture client API library which can be used to send EPCIS events to an EPCIS repository.

  • epcis-queryclient

    This module consists of a query client GUI, a query callback client, and a query control client API which can be used to send queries to an EPCIS repository.

  • epcis-repository

    This module contains the actual implementation of the bindings defined in the EPCIS specification.

  • epcis-interop-test

    This module contains tests to check interoperability compliance with the EPICS standard.

Directory Layout

We use the standard Maven directory layout for all the modules:

+- pom.xml                             -> top-level POM file
+- src/
|   +- config/                         -> top-level configuration files, e.g., checkstyle configs
|   +- main/
|   |   +- assembly/                   -> assembly descriptor for generating the source distribution
|   |   `- filters/                    -> filter properties for the build profiles
|   `- site/                           -> project documentation
+- epcis-captureclient/
+- epcis-commons/
+- epcis-queryclient/
+- epcis-repository/
    +- pom.xml                         -> module POM file
    `- src/
        +- changes/                    -> documentation for all changes
        +- main/
        |   +- assembly/               -> assembly descriptor for the binary distribution
        |   +- java/                   -> Java source files
        |   +- resources/              -> class path resources, e.g., config files, hibernate mappings, WSDLs, XSDs
        |   +- sql/                    -> database scripts
        |   `- webapp/
        |       +- META-INF/           -> webapp context configurations
        |       `- static/             -> static web content, e.g., images, CSS
        |       `- WEB-INF/            -> deployment descriptor, JSPs
        +- site/                       -> module documentation
        `- test/                       -> Test resources and source files

Other Features

Build Profiles

An introduction to build profiles is given in the}Maven documentation. We currently use two different build profiles, called env-dev and env-prod. The build properties for the two profiles are given in the and file, respectively. They are located at EPCIS_HOME/src/main/filters.

By default the env-prod profile is activated. A different profile can be activated on the command line by specifying a profile explicitly using the -P switch, or by providing a property named env with the corresponding value. The following examples show the two possibilities for building the project using the env-dev profile:

mvn compile -Penv-dev
mvn compile -Denv=dev

A developer can activate the developement profile permanently by specifying an activeProfile element in his local settings.xml file. That way, he can also override properties from the development environment without touching the file. The following is an example excerpt from the settings.xml file which shows how to permanently activate the env-dev profile:



Generating the Project Website

The main web site (including this documentation) can be generated by using the following command:

mvn site -N

In order to generate all module reports and to test the whole site navigation before a live deploy, you can execute the following command which will generate the web site in the specified directory:

mvn site:stage -DstagingDirectory=d:\testsite