A C D E G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W _


Adaptor - Interface in org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor
The interface Adaptor provides a general interface how to access a set of LLRP readers.
AdaptorCallback - Class in org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor
creates a callback instance that retrieves asynchronous messages.
AdaptorCallback(boolean) - Constructor for class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorCallback
creates a callback instance that retrieves asynchronous messages.
AdaptorConfiguration - Class in org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config
a prototype class holding all information to create a adaptor.
AdaptorConfiguration(String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config.AdaptorConfiguration
constructor for a configuration prototype.
AdaptorImpl - Class in org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor
This adaptor implements the Adaptor interface.
AdaptorImpl(String) - Constructor for class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl
Constructor for a adaptor.
AdaptorManagement - Class in org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor
The AdaptorManagement handles your adaptors, enqueues LLRPMessages, handles errors from the reader site and notifies you about incoming LLRPMessages.
adaptorName - Variable in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl
the name of this adaptor.
adaptorNameInRegistry - Static variable in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Constants
the name of the llrp adaptor in the rmi registry.
AdaptorWorker - Class in org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor
an LLRPAdaptorWorker holds an Adaptor and a callback. the worker enqueues messages and dispatches them to the corresponding reader.
AdaptorWorker(AdaptorCallback, Adaptor) - Constructor for class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorWorker
creates a new LLRPAdaptorWorker.
add(AsynchronousNotifiable) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.util.AsynchronousNotifiableList
add a new receiver to the list.
AsynchronousNotifiable - Interface in org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor
if you want to receive asynchronous message notifications you can implement this interface.
AsynchronousNotifiableList - Class in org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.util
helper class to maintain a list of asynchronous message receivers. the helper checks whether there are transmission exception, and if so then the respective receivers get dropped after a certain number of erroneous transmissions.
AsynchronousNotifiableList() - Constructor for class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.util.AsynchronousNotifiableList


checkStatus() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
check whether the AdaptorManagement is ok or not.
cleanConnFailure() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorWorker
resets the connection failure counter to zero.
clearAdapter(String) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Repository
clear all the items that belong to a given adapter.
clearAll() - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Repository
Clear all the items in repository.
clearReader(String, String) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Repository
clear all the items that belong to a given reader on a given adapter.
close() - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Repository
How the resource layer (File System, Database, and etc.) close and destroy related resource handlers.
commit() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
commits the configuration to the properties file.
ConfigurationLoader - Class in org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config
The ConfigurationLoader acts as a gateway to the configuration file. it tries to mask away the structure of the configuration file by providing prototypes for the adaptors and their readers. it provides reading and writing of configuration files.
ConfigurationLoader() - Constructor for class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config.ConfigurationLoader
creates a configuration loader.
connect(boolean) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader
connects this reader to the real physical llrp reader.
connect(boolean) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
Constants - Class in org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor
basic constants.
Constants() - Constructor for class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Constants
containsAdaptor(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
tells whether an adaptorName already exists.
containsReader(String) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Adaptor
checks whether a readerName already exists.
containsReader(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl
count(String, String) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Repository
returns the number of messages in the repository to a given filter.


DEFAULT_ADAPTOR_NAME - Static variable in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
the name for the default local adaptor.
DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE_PERIOD - Static variable in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
the default keep-alive interval for the reader.
DEFAULT_LLRP_PORT - Static variable in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Constants
the default port for a llrp reader.
DEFAULT_MISS_KEEPALIVE - Static variable in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
default how many times a keep-alive can be missed.
define(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Adaptor
defines a new LLRP reader on this adaptor.
define(String, String, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Adaptor
defines a new LLRP reader on this adaptor.
define(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl
define(String, String, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl
define(String, String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
adds a new adaptor to the adaptor list.
deregisterFromAsynchronous(AsynchronousNotifiable) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Adaptor
deregister from the asynchronous messages. the receiver will no more receive asynchronous llrp messages.
deregisterFromAsynchronous(AsynchronousNotifiable) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl
deregisterFromAsynchronous(AsynchronousNotifiable) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader
deregister from the asynchronous messages. the receiver will no more receive asynchronous llrp messages.
deregisterFromAsynchronous(AsynchronousNotifiable) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
deregisterFullHandler(MessageHandler) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
remove a handler from the full handler list.
deregisterPartialHandler(MessageHandler, Class) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
remove a handler from the handlers list.
disconnect() - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader
disconnect the reader stub from the physical reader.
disconnect() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
disconnectAll() - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Adaptor
disconnects all the LLRP readers from this adaptor.
disconnectAll() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl
disconnectReaders() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
disconnectReaders shuts down all local readers.
dispatchHandlers(String, String, LLRPMessage) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
dispatches an LLRP message to all the registered full handlers.


enqueue(QueueEntry) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorWorker
enqueues a message to be sent.
enqueueLLRPMessage(String, String, LLRPMessage) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
enqueue an LLRPMessage to be sent to a llrp reader. the adaptor will process the message when ready.
errorCallback(LLRPRuntimeException, String) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Adaptor
callback interface for asynchronous error messages from the reader.
errorCallback(LLRPRuntimeException, String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl
errorOccured(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
when there is an error, the ltk will call this method.
exceptionType - Variable in exception org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.exception.LLRPRuntimeException


get(String) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Repository
Get the LLRP Message Item from repository according to the unique Message ID.
get(String, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Repository
returns all the messages from the specified adaptor and the reader limited by num. if you set num to RETRIEVE_ALL all messages get returned.
getAdapter() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Get Adapter Logic Name
getAdapterName() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Reader
Get the name of LLRP Adapter, which hold this Reader.
getAdaptor(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
returns an adaptor to a given adaptorName.
getAdaptor() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorWorker
the adaptor holding the connection to the readers.
getAdaptorIpAddress() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorWorker
returns the ip address of this adaptor. if its the local adaptor it returns null.
getAdaptorName() - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Adaptor
returns the name of this adaptor.
getAdaptorName() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl
getAdaptorName() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config.AdaptorConfiguration
returns the name of the adaptor.
getAdaptorName() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.queue.QueueEntry
returns the name of the adaptor that will either receive or read the message.
getAdaptorNames() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
returns a list of all the available adaptor names.
getAll() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.util.AsynchronousNotifiableList
getAllowNKeepAliveMisses() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
getCallback() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorWorker
returns the callback for asynchronous message retrieval.
getComment() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Get the Message comments
getConfiguration(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config.ConfigurationLoader
reads a configuration file and delivers the content in a prototype-form.
getContent() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Get the Message Content as String
getDefaultAdaptor() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
helper to access the default local adaptor more convenient.
getDuplicateName() - Method in exception org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.exception.LLRPDuplicateNameException
returns the name that caused the exception.
getExceptionHandler() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
returns the exception handler.
getExceptionType() - Method in exception org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.exception.LLRPRuntimeException
gets the exception type.
getId() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Get the Message Id
getId() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Reader
Get the Unique Id of this Reader.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
returns the singleton of the AdaptorManagement.
getIp() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config.AdaptorConfiguration
returns the ip of the adaptor if remote.
getIp() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Reader
Get IP address.
getKeepAlivePeriod() - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader
returns the keepalive period set for this reader.
getKeepAlivePeriod() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
getKeepAlivePeriod() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
getMark() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Get the mark of the Message Static value MARK_INCOMING for incoming messages Static value MARK_OUTGOING for outgoing messages
getMessage() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.queue.QueueEntry
returns the stored message.
getMessageType() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Get the Message Type.
getMetaData() - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader
the reader meta-data contains information about the reader, the settings, etc.
getMetaData() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
getName() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Reader
Get the logical name of the Reader.
getPackagesCurrentSessionReceived() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
getPackagesCurrentSessionSent() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
getPackagesReceived() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
getPackagesSent() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
getPort() - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader
return the port of this reader.
getPort() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
getPort() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
getPort() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Reader
Get Port number
getPrefix() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config.AdaptorConfiguration
returns the prefix.
getReadConfig() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
returns the configuration file where to read the settings.
getReader(String) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Adaptor
returns a requested reader.
getReader(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl
getReader() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Get the Reader Logical Name, without Adapter Logical Name.
getReaderAddress() - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader
return the ip address of this reader.
getReaderAddress() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
getReaderAddress() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
getReaderIp() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config.ReaderConfiguration
returns the ip of the reader.
getReaderName() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config.ReaderConfiguration
returns the name of the reader.
getReaderName() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.queue.QueueEntry
returns the reader name that either read or will receive the message.
getReaderName() - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader
return the name of this reader.
getReaderName() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
getReaderName() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
getReaderNames() - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Adaptor
returns a list of all currently registered LLRP readers.
getReaderNames() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl
getReaderPort() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config.ReaderConfiguration
returns the port of the reader.
getReaderPrototypes() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config.AdaptorConfiguration
returns the configuration for all the readers of this adaptor.
getStatusCode() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Get the Status Code.
getStoreConfig() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
returns the configuration file where to store changes.
getTime() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Get the Message issue time
getUniqueName() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Get the unique reader name (Adapter Name + Reader Name).
getUniqueReaderId(String, String) - Static method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Reader
Static function to get system wide unique reader name.


handle(String, String, LLRPMessage) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.client.MessageHandler
This method is invoked from the adapter management whenever a new LLRP message arrives on an attached reader.
hasFullHandler(MessageHandler) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
tests whether a given handler is already registered or not.
hasPartialHandler(MessageHandler, Class) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
checks whether a given handler is registered at a given selector class.


initialize(String, String, boolean, LLRPExceptionHandler, MessageHandler) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
initializes the AdaptorManagement.
initialize(String, String, boolean, LLRPExceptionHandler, MessageHandler, boolean) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
ATTENTION: initializes the AdaptorManagement.DO NOT USE THIS METHOD as long as you know what you are doing (this method instructs with export=true to export the first local adaptor as a server adaptor.
isAlive() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
isAttachedTo(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Reader
isClientInitiated() - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader
tell if this reader maintains a client initiated connection or if the reader accepts a connection from a llrp reader.
isClientInitiated() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
isClientInitiated() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
isCommitChanges() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
flags whether all changes to the AdaptorManagement get reflected to the configuration file.
isConnected() - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader
tells if the reader is connected or not.
isConnected() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
isConnected() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
isConnectImmediate() - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader
tells whether this reader connects immediately after creation.
isConnectImmediate() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
isConnectImmediately() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config.ReaderConfiguration
flags whether this reader connects immediately after setup.
isConnectImmediately() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
isInitialized() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
flags whether the AdaptorManagement has already been initialized.
isLocal() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config.AdaptorConfiguration
flags whether remote or local.
isLocalAdapter(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
checks, whether a given adapter is a local adapter or not.
isReaderClientInitiated() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config.ReaderConfiguration
flags whether this reader opens the connection or not.
isReady(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
you can check whether an adaptor is ready to accept messages.
isReady() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorWorker
signals whether this worker is ready to accept messages.
isReportKeepAlive() - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader
isReportKeepAlive() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
isReportKeepAlive() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData


keys() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.util.SortedProperties


LLRPDuplicateNameException - Exception in org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.exception
exception class that can be used when there is a duplicate name subscription.
LLRPDuplicateNameException() - Constructor for exception org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.exception.LLRPDuplicateNameException
default constructor.
LLRPDuplicateNameException(String) - Constructor for exception org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.exception.LLRPDuplicateNameException
constructor with exception message.
LLRPDuplicateNameException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.exception.LLRPDuplicateNameException
constructor for a detailed exception.
LLRPExceptionHandler - Interface in org.fosstrak.llrp.client
All exception handlers registered at the AdaptorManagement need to implement this interface in order to be delivered with exceptions triggered on the reader level.
LLRPExceptionHandlerTypeMap - Enum in org.fosstrak.llrp.client
LLRPMessageItem - Class in org.fosstrak.llrp.client
This wrapper class for LLRP Message.
LLRPMessageItem() - Constructor for class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Default Constructor
LLRPRuntimeException - Exception in org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.exception
Exception class.
LLRPRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.exception.LLRPRuntimeException
default constructor.
LLRPRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.exception.LLRPRuntimeException
constructor with exception message.
LLRPRuntimeException(String, LLRPExceptionHandlerTypeMap) - Constructor for exception org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.exception.LLRPRuntimeException
constructor with exception message and exception type.
loadFromFile() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
loads the adaptorManagement configuration from file (holds the adaptors and the readers for the local adaptor).
LOCAL_ADAPTER_NAME - Static variable in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Reader
The default Adapter Name.


MARK_INCOMING - Static variable in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Static DB field value for Imcoming Message.
MARK_OUTGOING - Static variable in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Static DB field value for Outgoing Message
MAX_CONN_FAILURES - Static variable in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorWorker
the number of allowed connection failures between adaptor and client.
MessageHandler - Interface in org.fosstrak.llrp.client
All processes that want to receive messages from the AdaptorManagement need to implement this interface.
messageReceived(LLRPMessage) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
when a message arrives through ltk, this method is called.
messageReceivedCallback(byte[], String) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Adaptor
when a asynchronous message arrives from the reader this method will be invoked. the message then gets dispatched to the registered receivers.
messageReceivedCallback(byte[], String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl


name - Variable in exception org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.exception.LLRPDuplicateNameException
the name that caused the exception.
notify(byte[], String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorCallback
notify(byte[], String) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AsynchronousNotifiable
when an asynchronous message arrived, this method will be invoked.
notify(byte[], String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.util.AsynchronousNotifiableList
notify all the receivers with a new message.
notifyError(LLRPRuntimeException, String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorCallback
notifyError(LLRPRuntimeException, String) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AsynchronousNotifiable
this method can be called asynchronously when there occurs an asynchronous error or exception.
notifyError(LLRPRuntimeException, String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.util.AsynchronousNotifiableList
notify all the receivers about an exception in the reader module.
NUM_NON_RECHABLE_ALLOWED - Static variable in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.util.AsynchronousNotifiableList
remove the receiver after this number of unsuccessful connection attempts.


ok() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorWorker
open() - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Repository
How the resource layer (File System, Database, and etc.) initiates its resources.
org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor - package org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor
org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config - package org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config
org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.exception - package org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.exception
org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.queue - package org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.queue
org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.util - package org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.util
org.fosstrak.llrp.client - package org.fosstrak.llrp.client


postException(LLRPRuntimeException, LLRPExceptionHandlerTypeMap, String, String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
posts an exception the the exception handler.
postExceptionToGUI(LLRPExceptionHandlerTypeMap, LLRPRuntimeException, String, String) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPExceptionHandler
This method will be called asynchronously whenever an Exception is triggered.
prettyPrint() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
creates a pretty print of the llrp message item.
put(LLRPMessageItem) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Repository
Put the LLRP Message Item to the repository


QUEUE_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorWorker
the worker does not accept more messages in the queue than this threshold.
QueueEntry - Class in org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.queue
data structure to store enqueue an LLRPMessage.
QueueEntry(LLRPMessage, String, String) - Constructor for class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.queue.QueueEntry
creates a new queue item for an llrp message.


Reader - Interface in org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor
This class models a logical entity of a physical reader. it maintains the connectivity to the physical reader.
Reader - Class in org.fosstrak.llrp.client
This wrapper class for Reader.
Reader() - Constructor for class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Reader
Default Constructor.
ReaderConfiguration - Class in org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config
a prototype holding all the settings needed for a reader.
ReaderConfiguration(String, String, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config.ReaderConfiguration
constructor for the prototype.
ReaderImpl - Class in org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor
This class implements the ReaderInterface.
ReaderImpl(Adaptor, String, String) - Constructor for class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
constructor for a local reader stub. the stub maintains connection to the llrp reader.
ReaderImpl(Adaptor, String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
constructor for a local reader stub. the stub maintains connection to the llrp reader.
ReaderImpl.QueuePolicy - Enum in org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor
queue policies.
ReaderMetaData - Class in org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor
Meta data that contains all information about the reader. this is for example the reader name, the address, the port, etc. ...
ReaderMetaData() - Constructor for class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
default constructor.
ReaderMetaData(ReaderMetaData) - Constructor for class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
copy constructor that creates a complete copy of the meta data.
readers - Variable in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl
a map holding all the readers contained in this adaptor.
reconnect() - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader
try to reconnect the reader.
reconnect() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
registerForAsynchronous(AsynchronousNotifiable) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Adaptor
register for asynchronous messages from the reader.
registerForAsynchronous(AsynchronousNotifiable) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl
registerForAsynchronous(AsynchronousNotifiable) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader
register for asynchronous messages from the physical reader.
registerForAsynchronous(AsynchronousNotifiable) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
registerFullHandler(MessageHandler) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
register a handler that will receive all the incoming messages.
registerPartialHandler(MessageHandler, Class) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
register a handler that will receive only a restricted set of messages.
registryPort - Static variable in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Constants
the port of our rmi registry.
remove(AsynchronousNotifiable) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.util.AsynchronousNotifiableList
removes a receiver from the list.
reportConnFailure() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorWorker
increases the connection failure counter by one.
Repository - Interface in org.fosstrak.llrp.client
This single access point for Reader Management module to access the message repository.
reset() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
resets the management to initial state.
RETRIEVE_ALL - Static variable in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Repository
flag to set the retrieval of messages to all messages in the repo.
run() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorWorker


send(byte[]) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader
send a message to the llrp reader.
send(byte[]) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
sendLLRPMessage(String, byte[]) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Adaptor
sends a llrp message to the specified reader.
sendLLRPMessage(String, byte[]) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl
sendLLRPMessageToAllReaders(byte[]) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Adaptor
sends a llrp message to all the readers.
sendLLRPMessageToAllReaders(byte[]) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl
setAdapter(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Set Adapter Logic Name
setAdapterName(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Reader
Set the name of LLRP Adapter, which hold this Reader.
setAdaptor(Adaptor) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorWorker
sets the adaptor holding the connection to the readers.
setAdaptorIpAddress(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorWorker
sets the address of this adaptor. if its the local adaptor set null.
setAdaptorManagement(AdaptorManagement) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl
setAdaptorName(String) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Adaptor
sets the name of the adaptor.
setAdaptorName(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl
setAdaptorName(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config.AdaptorConfiguration
sets the name of the adaptor.
setAdaptorName(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.queue.QueueEntry
sets the name of the adaptor that will either receive or read the message.
setCallback(AdaptorCallback) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorWorker
sets the callback for asynchronous message retrieval.
setClientInitiated(boolean) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader
sets the connect behavior to the specified value.
setClientInitiated(boolean) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
setComment(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Set the Message comments
setCommitChanges(boolean) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
sets whether all changes to the AdaptorManagement get reflected to the configuration file.
setConnectImmediate(boolean) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader
tells whether this reader connects immediately after creation.
setConnectImmediate(boolean) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
setContent(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Set the Message Content
setExceptionHandler(LLRPExceptionHandler) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
sets the exception handler.
setExceptionType(LLRPExceptionHandlerTypeMap) - Method in exception org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.exception.LLRPRuntimeException
sets the exception type.
setId(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Set the Message Id
setIp(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Reader
Set IP Address
setKeepAlivePeriod(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader
sets the connection timeout period for the reader. if the times * keepAlivePeriod has passed by without a notification from the reader the reader gets disconnected.
setKeepAlivePeriod(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
setMark(int) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Set the mark of the Message Static value MARK_INCOMING for incoming messages Static value MARK_OUTGOING for outgoing messages
setMessage(LLRPMessage) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.queue.QueueEntry
sets the message in the datastructure.
setMessageType(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Set the Message Type.
setName(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Reader
Set the logical name of the Reader.
setPort(int) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Reader
Set Port Number
setReadConfig(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
sets the configuration file.
setReader(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Set the Reader Logical Name, without Adapter Logical Name.
setReaderConfigurations(List<ReaderConfiguration>) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config.AdaptorConfiguration
sets the configuration for all the readers of this adaptor.
setReaderName(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.queue.QueueEntry
sets the name of the reader that will either receive or read the message.
setReportKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader
if set to true, the reader will report all the keep-alive messages exchanged between the reader and the driver stub.
setReportKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl
setStatusCode(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Set the Status Code.
setStoreConfig(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
sets the configuration file where to store changes.
setTime(Date) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPMessageItem
Set the Message issue time
setWorker(AdaptorWorker) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorCallback
sets the worker that holds this callback.
shutdown() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
the client leaves the adaptor management. the management makes the cleanup.
SortedProperties - Class in org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.util
Extend the default properties to write a sorted configuration file.
SortedProperties() - Constructor for class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.util.SortedProperties
storeToFile() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
stores the configuration of the adaptor management to file. the remote adaptors get stored and for the local adaptor all readers get stored as well.


tearDown() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorWorker
call this method if you want to stop the worker thread.
toString() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
toString() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.client.Reader
Get the description of the Reader.


undefine(String) - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Adaptor
removes a LLRP reader from this adaptor.
undefine(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl
undefine(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorManagement
removes an adaptor from the adaptor list.
undefineAll() - Method in interface org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Adaptor
removes all the LLRP readers from this adaptor.
undefineAll() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.AdaptorImpl


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl.QueuePolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPExceptionHandlerTypeMap
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl.QueuePolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.fosstrak.llrp.client.LLRPExceptionHandlerTypeMap
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


writeConfiguration(List<AdaptorConfiguration>, String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.config.ConfigurationLoader
writes the configuration given by a list of prototypes to the configuration file.


_newSession() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
starts a new session.
_packageReceived() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
increases the number of received packages by one.
_packageSent() - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
increases the number of sent packages by one.
_setAlive(boolean) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
_setAllowNKeepAliveMisses(int) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
_setClientInitiated(boolean) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
_setConnected(boolean) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
_setConnectImmediately(boolean) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
_setKeepAlivePeriod(int) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
_setPackagesCurrentSessionReceived(int) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
_setPackagesCurrentSessionSent(int) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
_setPackagesReceived(int) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
_setPackagesSent(int) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
_setPort(int) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
_setReaderAddress(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
_setReaderName(String) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData
_setReportKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in class org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderMetaData

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