Package org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor

Interface Summary
Adaptor The interface Adaptor provides a general interface how to access a set of LLRP readers.
AsynchronousNotifiable if you want to receive asynchronous message notifications you can implement this interface.
Reader This class models a logical entity of a physical reader. it maintains the connectivity to the physical reader.

Class Summary
AdaptorCallback creates a callback instance that retrieves asynchronous messages.
AdaptorImpl This adaptor implements the Adaptor interface.
AdaptorManagement The AdaptorManagement handles your adaptors, enqueues LLRPMessages, handles errors from the reader site and notifies you about incoming LLRPMessages.
AdaptorWorker an LLRPAdaptorWorker holds an Adaptor and a callback. the worker enqueues messages and dispatches them to the corresponding reader.
Constants basic constants.
ReaderImpl This class implements the ReaderInterface.
ReaderMetaData Meta data that contains all information about the reader. this is for example the reader name, the address, the port, etc. ...

Enum Summary
ReaderImpl.QueuePolicy queue policies.

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