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1   /*
2    * Copyright (C) 2007 ETH Zurich
3    *
4    * This file is part of Fosstrak (
5    *
6    * Fosstrak is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7    * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8    * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9    *
10   * Fosstrak is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13   * Lesser General Public License for more details.
14   *
15   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16   * License along with Fosstrak; if not, write to the Free
17   * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
18   * Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
19   */
21  package org.fosstrak.epcis.repository;
23  import java.util.List;
25  import org.fosstrak.epcis.model.InvalidURIException;
26  import org.fosstrak.epcis.model.QueryParameterException;
27  import org.fosstrak.epcis.model.QueryParams;
28  import org.fosstrak.epcis.model.QueryResults;
29  import org.fosstrak.epcis.model.SubscriptionControls;
30  import org.fosstrak.epcis.soap.DuplicateSubscriptionExceptionResponse;
31  import org.fosstrak.epcis.soap.ImplementationExceptionResponse;
32  import org.fosstrak.epcis.soap.InvalidURIExceptionResponse;
33  import org.fosstrak.epcis.soap.NoSuchNameExceptionResponse;
34  import org.fosstrak.epcis.soap.NoSuchSubscriptionExceptionResponse;
35  import org.fosstrak.epcis.soap.QueryParameterExceptionResponse;
36  import org.fosstrak.epcis.soap.QueryTooComplexExceptionResponse;
37  import org.fosstrak.epcis.soap.QueryTooLargeExceptionResponse;
38  import org.fosstrak.epcis.soap.SecurityExceptionResponse;
39  import org.fosstrak.epcis.soap.SubscribeNotPermittedExceptionResponse;
40  import org.fosstrak.epcis.soap.SubscriptionControlsExceptionResponse;
41  import org.fosstrak.epcis.soap.ValidationExceptionResponse;
43  /**
44   * <p>
45   * The EPCIS Query Control Interface provides a general framework by which
46   * client applications may query EPCIS data. The interface provides both
47   * on-demand queries, in which an explicit request from a client causes a query
48   * to be executed and results returned in response, and standing queries, in
49   * which a client registers ongoing interest in a query and thereafter receives
50   * periodic delivery of results via the EPCIS Query Callback Interface without
51   * making further requests. These two modes are informally referred to as "pull"
52   * and "push", respectively.
53   * </p>
54   * <p>
55   * Standing queries are made by making one or more subscriptions to a previously
56   * defined query using the
57   * {@link subscribe(String, QueryParams, URI, SubscriptionControls, String)
58   * subscribe} method. Results will be delivered periodically via the Query
59   * Callback Interface to a specified destination, until the subscription is
60   * canceled using the {@link #unsubscribe(String) unsubscribe} method. On-demand
61   * queries are made by executing a previously defined query using the
62   * {@link poll(String, QueryParams) poll} method. Each invocation of the
63   * {@link poll(String, QueryParams) poll} method returns a result directly to
64   * the caller. In either case, if the query is parameterized, specific settings
65   * for the parameters may be provided as arguments to
66   * {@link subscribe(String, QueryParams, URI, SubscriptionControls, String)
67   * subscribe} or {@link poll(String, QueryParams) poll}.
68   * </p>
69   */
70  public interface EpcisQueryControlInterface {
72      /**
73       * Registers a subscriber for a previously defined query having the
74       * specified name. The <code>params</code> argument provides the values to
75       * be used for any named parameters defined by the query. The
76       * <code>dest</code> parameter specifies a destination where results from
77       * the query are to be delivered, via the Query Callback Interface. The
78       * <code>dest</code> parameter is a URI that both identifies a specific
79       * binding of the Query Callback Interface to use and specifies addressing
80       * information. The <code>controls</code> parameter controls how the
81       * subscription is to be processed; in particular, it specifies the
82       * conditions under which the query is to be invoked (e.g., specifying a
83       * periodic schedule). The <code>subscriptionID</code> is an arbitrary
84       * string that is copied into every response delivered to the specified
85       * destination, and otherwise not interpreted by the EPCIS service. The
86       * client may use the subscriptionID to identify from which subscription a
87       * given result was generated, especially when several subscriptions are
88       * made to the same destination. The <code>dest</code> argument MAY be
89       * null or empty, in which case results are delivered to a pre-arranged
90       * destination based on the authenticated identity of the caller. If the
91       * EPCIS implementation does not have a destination pre-arranged for the
92       * caller, or does not permit this usage, it SHALL raise an
93       * <code>InvalidURIException</code>.
94       * 
95       * @param queryName
96       *            The name of a previously defined query for which the
97       *            subscriber will be registered.
98       * @param params
99       *            Provides the values to be used for any named parameters
100      *            defined by the query.
101      * @param dest
102      *            Specifies a destination where results from the query are to be
103      *            delivered, via the Query Callback Interface. It is a URI that
104      *            both identifies a specific binding of the Query Callback
105      *            Interface to use and specifies addressing information. May be
106      *            <code>null</code> or empty, in which case results are
107      *            delivered to a pre-arranged destination based on the
108      *            authenticated identity of the caller.
109      * @param controls
110      *            Controls how the subscription is to be processed; in
111      *            particular, it specifies the conditions under which the query
112      *            is to be invoked (e.g., specifying a periodic schedule).
113      * @param subscriptionID
114      *            An arbitrary string that is copied into every response
115      *            delivered to the specified destination, and otherwise not
116      *            interpreted by the EPCIS service. The client may use the
117      *            subscriptionID to identify from which subscription a given
118      *            result was generated, especially when several subscriptions
119      *            are made to the same destination.
120      * @throws InvalidURIException
121      *             If the EPCIS implementation does not have a destination
122      *             pre-arranged for the caller, or does not permit this usage.
123      * @throws QueryParameterException
124      *             Under any of the following circumstances:
125      *             <ul>
126      *             <li>A parameter required by the specified query was omitted
127      *             or was supplied with an empty value</li>
128      *             <li>A parameter was supplied whose name does not correspond
129      *             to any parameter name defined by the specified query</li>
130      *             <li>Two parameters are supplied having the same name</li>
131      *             <li>Any other constraint imposed by the specified query is
132      *             violated. Such constraints may include restrictions on the
133      *             range of values permitted for a given parameter, requirements
134      *             that two or more parameters be mutually exclusive or must be
135      *             supplied together, and so on. The specific constraints
136      *             imposed by a given query are specified in the documentation
137      *             for that query.</li>
138      *             </ul>
139      */
140     public void subscribe(String queryName, QueryParams params, String dest, SubscriptionControls controls,
141             String subscriptionID) throws NoSuchNameExceptionResponse, InvalidURIExceptionResponse,
142             DuplicateSubscriptionExceptionResponse, QueryParameterExceptionResponse, QueryTooComplexExceptionResponse,
143             SubscriptionControlsExceptionResponse, SubscribeNotPermittedExceptionResponse, SecurityExceptionResponse,
144             ValidationExceptionResponse, ImplementationExceptionResponse;
146     /**
147      * Removes a previously registered subscription having the specified
148      * <code>subscriptionID</code>.
149      * 
150      * @param subscriptionID
151      *            The <code>subscriptionID</code> of a previously registered
152      *            subscription.
153      */
154     public void unsubscribe(String subscriptionID) throws NoSuchSubscriptionExceptionResponse,
155             SecurityExceptionResponse, ValidationExceptionResponse, ImplementationExceptionResponse;
157     /**
158      * Invokes a previously defined query having the specified name, returning
159      * the results. The <code>params</code> argument provides the values to be
160      * used for any named parameters defined by the query.
161      * 
162      * @param queryName
163      *            The name of a previously defined query to be invoked.
164      * @param params
165      *            Provides the values to be used for any named parameters
166      *            defined by the query.
167      * @return The results of the query invocation.
168      * @throws QueryParameterException
169      *             Under any of the following circumstances:
170      *             <ul>
171      *             <li>A parameter required by the specified query was omitted
172      *             or was supplied with an empty value</li>
173      *             <li>A parameter was supplied whose name does not correspond
174      *             to any parameter name defined by the specified query</li>
175      *             <li>Two parameters are supplied having the same name</li>
176      *             <li>Any other constraint imposed by the specified query is
177      *             violated. Such constraints may include restrictions on the
178      *             range of values permitted for a given parameter, requirements
179      *             that two or more parameters be mutually exclusive or must be
180      *             supplied together, and so on. The specific constraints
181      *             imposed by a given query are specified in the documentation
182      *             for that query.</li>
183      *             </ul>
184      */
185     public QueryResults poll(String queryName, QueryParams params) throws NoSuchNameExceptionResponse,
186             QueryParameterExceptionResponse, QueryTooComplexExceptionResponse, QueryTooLargeExceptionResponse,
187             SecurityExceptionResponse, ValidationExceptionResponse, ImplementationExceptionResponse;
189     /**
190      * Returns a list of all query names available for use with the subscribe
191      * and poll methods. This includes all pre-defined queries provided by the
192      * implementation, including those specified in the EPCIS standard in
193      * Section 8.2.7.
194      * 
195      * @return A list of all query names available for use with the subscribe
196      *         and poll methods.
197      */
198     public List<String> getQueryNames() throws SecurityExceptionResponse, ValidationExceptionResponse,
199             ImplementationExceptionResponse;
201     /**
202      * Returns a list of all <code>subscriptionID</code>s currently
203      * subscribed to the specified named query.
204      * 
205      * @param queryName
206      *            The name of a previously defined query for which the
207      *            <code>subscriptionID</code>s should be returned.
208      * @return A list of all <code>subscriptionID</code>s currently
209      *         subscribed to the specified named query.
210      */
211     public List<String> getSubscriptionIDs(String queryName) throws NoSuchNameExceptionResponse,
212             SecurityExceptionResponse, ValidationExceptionResponse, ImplementationExceptionResponse;
214     /**
215      * Returns a string that identifies what version of the specification this
216      * implementation complies with. The possible values for this string are
217      * defined by EPCglobal. An implementation SHALL return a string
218      * corresponding to a version of this specification to which the
219      * implementation fully complies, and SHOULD return the string corresponding
220      * to the latest version to which it complies. To indicate compliance with
221      * this Version 1.0 of the EPCIS specification, the implementation SHALL
222      * return the string <code>1.0</code>.
223      * 
224      * @return A string that identifies what version of the specification this
225      *         implementation complies with.
226      */
227     public String getStandardVersion() throws SecurityExceptionResponse, ValidationExceptionResponse,
228             ImplementationExceptionResponse;
230     /**
231      * Returns a string that identifies what vendor extensions this
232      * implementation provides. The possible values of this string and their
233      * meanings are vendor-defined, except that the empty string SHALL indicate
234      * that the implementation implements only standard functionality with no
235      * vendor extensions. When an implementation chooses to return a non-empty
236      * string, the value returned SHALL be a URI where the vendor is the owning
237      * authority. For example, this may be an HTTP URL whose authority portion
238      * is a domain name owned by the vendor, a URN having a URN namespace
239      * identifier issued to the vendor by IANA, an OID URN whose initial path is
240      * a Private Enterprise Number assigned to the vendor, etc.
241      * 
242      * @return A string that identifies what vendor extensions this
243      *         implementation provides.
244      */
245     public String getVendorVersion() throws SecurityExceptionResponse, ValidationExceptionResponse,
246             ImplementationExceptionResponse;
247 }